Celebrating 60 years of service in 2001, Florida Farm Bureau Federation is the largest independent agricultural association in the Sunshine State. Organized in 1941, it represents all facets of agriculture in the state. Serving more than 143,500 members statewide, its mission is to increase the net income of farmers and ranchers and to improve the quality of rural life.
Florida Farm Bureau is one of the founding members of the Agricultural Weather Task Force and has been a driving force in the establishment of FAWN. Thanks to the hard work of Pat Cockrell and the entire staff, funding for the establishment of weather towers and maintenance equipment was obtained from the state legislature.
Farmers and ranchers look to Farm Bureau as a voice for agriculture. Its staff members work with all of the state's commodity organizations and communicate with legislators, regulators and the general public on behalf of producers. In the sixty years since its founding, Florida Farm Bureau has established itself as a potent political force at the local, state and national levels.
The Federation works year-round to establish and maintain good relationships with lawmakers and their staffs. Other staff specialists work with the state's water management districts and regulatory officials, and advise county Farm Bureaus. The counties work with local and county governments to assure producers get fair representation at the county level.
Florida Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization, taking its leadership and direction from its farmer and rancher members to assure farmers' concerns are reflected in the state association's agenda. Headquartered in Gainesville, the Federation is an independent, non-profit agricultural organization and is not associated with any arm of the government.